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Crickets are tiny insects that range in size from one to two inches in size and are typically brown or black in colour. Crickets can be detected by the presence of holes chewed in leaves that were not there the day before because these pests are nocturnal and will hide during the day. They are also very vocal at night, and their presence can be identified by checking for noise in your garden when the sun goes down. Crickets are omnivorous and will eat other garden pests at times. However, they have a voracious appetite and eat whatever is the most readily available food source. Eggs are laid in soil making them hard to find but easy to treat using preventative methods. There are also species of mole crickets that live in the soil and create small mounds of dirt, which they use as a den.

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Your grow area should be kept clean and free of debris which could provide a hiding place for crickets.

Keeping a supply of organic soil with beneficial nematodes will help keep pests from laying eggs and reproducing.

There are also multiple species of nematodes that will prey on mole-crickets throughout their life cycle.

Cricket infestations can be prevented by mounting a net around the perimeter of your grow area, as well as using sticky traps to attract them before they get to the garden area.

Organic solutions such as neem oil and spinosad can be used to kill adults as well as juveniles. These control methods can be applied directly to the soil to kill larvae and kill them as they hatch, as well as on plants, or directly onto the insect itself.