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Russet Mites

Seen through a lens, russet-hemp mites are tapered, translucent, wedge-shaped cylinders that take on a yellow tint, especially in groups. Unlike most varieties of mites, they only have two pairs of legs. Leaves curl upwards, but the plant begins to drop from the top and eventually dies. Easily mistaken for mould as Russet Mites are extremely tiny. They reproduce extremely fast and are able to survive year-round making them a devastating pest.

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When treating Russet Mites, they are so small that you usually don't know they are present until it is too late. So prevention is crucial.
Keep your grow area as clean as possible. Quarantine new clones, or grow from seed when introducing a new cultivar. Never bring clones from outdoor plants to an indoor grow.

If Russet Mites are Identified, immediately remove all infested foliage and dispose of any seriously infested plants to prevent them from spreading.

Predator Mites:
- Amblyseius andersoni
- Amblyseius swirskii
- Neoseiulus californicus

Micronized Sulfur. Applied by spray or dusting.
Diatomaceous Earth: A great organic method to add on the leaves to cut up and dry out the mites.
Neem Oil or other pesticides, while not guaranteed to wipe out the population, can have some damage on the mites

Russet Mites are most commonly found in outdoor gardens. Adding beneficial nematodes to your soil can help eliminate unwanted larvae or nymphs early on.

* Affected leaves usually do not recover from damage even after correcting the problem.*